Gray hair is a big scare for a lot of women. Even one or two strands can cause alarm because they fear it won’t be long before the other strands join along. Not to mention it’s a sign of getting older.  If you’re one of those women who’d like to hide your gray hair, here are a few clever ways of doing that.

Part The Other Way: If you normally wear your hair parted on a particular side, then it’s time to change it up. Your hair is flatter on the side you part on, making the grays more prominent. If you flip your hair the other way, the new growth won’t stand out as much.

Disguise With Volume: A great way to hide your gray is by adding volume. The sleeker your hair is, the more the gray will show.

Color Them: Have fun with your hair by coloring the gray strands so that they blend in with the rest of the hair.

Braid Your Hair: You can hide your silver strands by tucking them away inside the braid.

Twist Your Hair: Just like with braids, you can hide your strands by blending them in with a style such as French twists.

Accessorize: If your hair is gray in an obvious place such as in the front or along the crown, you can hide with an accessory. Try sleek bow, or fancy hair pin. It’s cute and offers great distraction. There’s also the option of using a scarf or headband.

READ MORE: 7 Ways To Hide Gray Hair In A Pinch