Do you want a perky butt? Who doesn’t, right? We asked four top trainers to show off their favorite moves for getting an enviable backside, so watch, follow along, and get ready to feel the burn.

Video #1: Mary Helen Bowers, founder of Ballet Beautiful

Ballet-inspired moves to lift and tighten a saggy butt.

Video #2: Brynn Jinnett, founder of Refine Method

Sit at a desk all day? Activate your neglected glutes and they’ll firm up in no time.

Video #3: Cassey Ho, Pilates instructor,

Try these power-Pilates exercises to target saddlebags and outer thigh bulge.

Video #4: Kristin McGee, yoga instructor,

Moms-to-be, watch Kristin demostrate yoga moves to keep your butt in shape during pregnancy.