Who says exercise has to be all work and no play? In many cases, you’re more likely to stick to something if it’s enjoyable for you – like the 7 workouts/games you’re about to re-discover. From jump rope to hula hooping, these fun games are serious calorie burning, waistline slimming workouts.

Jumping rope: Jump rope is a fun activity that can be done at a variety of paces. You can jump while singing or listening to music. If you haven’t jumped rope in a while, or never, don’t underestimate the results. If you do less than 100 skips per minute, or if you’re alternating your feet, you can expect to burn around 10.5 calories per minute. For more intensity, amp it up by skipping 120 per minute.

Hula hooping: No abs workout is quite as fun as hula hooping. Not only will it help slim down your waste line, but it also burns calories.

Dodge ball/tetherball: This is a great cardio workout. It’s also good for the arms and core.

Bike riding: You can make bike riding as intense as you want depending on the speed. It’s an awesome cardio workout and it’s great for the legs.

Kicking a ball: If you’re not into throwing balls, maybe you’ll enjoy kicking them. Games that require you to kick a ball around like soccer will help you burn up 215 calories per hour.

Jumping on a trampoline: This is a very fun activity that requires low impact, but still burns a lot of calories. It’s great for getting the legs strong, and stabilizing the hips and core.

Climbing trees: Tree climbing is a full body workout that is an alternative to rock climbing. It’s a great calorie burner and strength exercise.

READ MORE: The Childhood Hobbies That Double As Incredible Calorie-Burning Workouts