High Fructose Consumption Linked to Heart Disease Risk FactorsAfter a two-week study, subjects consuming fructose or high fructose corn syrup as 25 percent of their calories had elevated LDL (lousy cholesterol), triglycerides and proteins that precede plaque-building. This adds to research that excess sugar consumption may in fact increase one’s risk for heart disease. Currently the 2010 Dietary Guidelines say that 25 percent of your calories for sugar is the accepted upper limit. This guideline may decrease in light of these new findings. – Via ScienceDailyMore for you: Try These Heart Healthy RecipesSome Nose Job Patients Have a Mental Health ConditionIn a 16-month Belgian Study, 43 percent of patients seeking rhinoplasty showed signs of body dysmorphic disorder. With this condition, a person becomes consumed with thoughts of a small or nonexistent physical flaw. Researchers suggest that these people would benefit from therapy versus cosmetic surgery. However, it is difficult to convince these patients to redirect their focus to the emotional rather than the physical. – Via NYTMore for you: Does Plastic Surgery Make You Happier? Yoga Can Decrease Chronic PainThose participants with fibromyalgia (experiencing chronic pain) reported less physical and emotional symptoms of the disease after doing hatha yoga twice a week. Relaxation accompanying yoga decreases heart rate while increasing breath volume. Along with mindfulness, this may help the subjects detach from their experience of pain. – Via EurekAlertMore for you: Get Our Complete Guide to Yoga