Ever wonder what highly successful people do to get ahead? There are many things they probably do different, including how they handle their social media. We live in a time now where a person can learn a lot about you before ever meeting you thanks to social media. So often times, employers and recruiters have researched you before long before you speak, which can be a great thing for you if you do your social media right. Take a look at some of the things successful people on their social media to stay ahead of the competition.

They create professional accounts: You may already have a LinkedIn profile that represents your professional side. But, you may also want to create a professional Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts too. You would use these accounts to groom your personal brand, so you’re portrayed in the best light possible.

Keep some things private: You may want to consider turning your settings to private on Twitter or Instagram. This way, people can’t spy on you and use some of your personal views against you.

Keep LinkedIn clean: These days, people are prone to check out your LinkedIn profile before anything else. So, it’s important to keep your profile looking clean – with a great picture.

Stay active on your accounts: How active are you on social media? You don’t have to post everyday, but if you have a Twitter account, make sure that it isn’t old and outdated.

READ MORE: 6 Social Media Habits of Highly Professional People