If you want the best shot at living a happy life, marry your best friend.  Past studies have shown that being married boosts our  happiness. But a new paper published in the National Bureau of Economic Research reveals some more interesting facts about the role friendship plays in the marriage-happiness equation — and it’s an important one.Using data from the British Household Panel Survey and controlling for pre-marriage happiness levels, the authors concluded that married people reported greater happiness and life satisfaction than those who are navigating life in the single lane. Looking at results from the United Kingdom’s Annual Population Survey as well, they were able to conclude that the happy benefits of marriage are long-lasting, and even help reduce the “mid-life dip in life satisfaction,” aka, the infamous mid-life crisis.Being friends with your parter also proved hugely important to happiness in a partnership. Researchers found that marriage’s effects on well-being are two times greater for those who consider their spouse their best friend. Whether or not they were your BFF before you became romantic, it makes sense that having a spouse you can turn to for anything, and feel supported on both a friend and romantic level, can help you navigate any sticky situation in life. It’s something to think about before you walk down the aisle.Related Articles:The Health Benefits of MarriageIs Porn to Blame for Lower Marriage Rates?