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Is it Normal to Not Kiss During Sex?

When you think about sex, kissing is usually the main focus. Kissing and sex typically go hand-in-hand... but what if they don't? What if you like having sex, but you don't like the kissing...

Thinking of Rekindling a Relationship With An Ex? Here’s How

Dealing with a breakup is just a part of life. We'll all go through one at some point, but the real tricky part is getting back together with an ex. Maybe years have passed,...

Gamify Your Relationship Breakup Recovery To Get Over Your Ex Faster

Break-ups can be devastating and leave you stagnating in your life. Once you have come to terms that the break-up happened, you can heal yourself. Gamification has been used for exercise and learning, so why...

6 Tips for Getting Over Your Commitment Issues

Does the idea of spending the rest of your life with one person make you nervous? Then you might suffer from commitment issues. While this is a term often used casually, commitment issues can...

How to Know If Someone Is a True Friend

What is a true friend? Is it someone who friends you on Facebook? No. Someone who tweets you here and there on Twitter? No. How about someone who likes you when you do favors...

Growing Together May Mean Growing Apart

We've all heard that many people in relationships tend to grow apart as the years pass, but what if growing apart was the best way to strengthen the relationship? It's easy for a long-term relationship...

What Does it Mean to Be Gender Fluid?

As society is becoming more inclusive, the term 'gender fluid' is being used more frequently. Even though it's becoming more commonly discussed, some are not aware of what it means. As we break down...

How Orgasms Can Give You Healthy, Glowing Skin

We all know that orgasms can have a positive impact on us, our health, and our wellbeing - but did you also know that they can help your skin? Whether you’re having regular orgasms...

How to Politely Decline Invitations, Especially During the Pandemic

Social anxiety is no fun, but it’s still more fun than accepting an invitation to something you don’t want to attend. Even if your friend invites you to something you want to do, sometimes...

Your Relationship Relies On These Types of Intimacies (Not Just Physical!)

It seems like every women’s magazine is obsessed with telling us how important physical intimacy is within relationships and how to ascertain whether we’ve got just the right amount. This physical intimacy obsessed culture...
