Over the years, coffee has had tons of good publicity whether for its antioxidant assets or brain-boosting ability and now we know it’s as good for your insides as your outside. As a beauty product, coffee makes an excellent scrub, mask and cellulite reducer, can add shine to hair and even perk up hair color. Here are eight very good reasons to save those coffee grounds from the trash bin:Coffee For Your Face:

  • Coffee Facial Scrub: As a scrub, coffee grounds can really perk up your complexion. Take 3 Tbsp coffee grounds (new or used, no seriously!) and 1 Tbsp brown sugar (you can add more or less, depending on how gritty you want to go) before adding 1 Tbsp of a natural oil (either coconut, olive or almond). Massage onto clean skin and then rinse thoroughly with warm water for an instant glow.
  • Coffee Mask: To tighten skin, use 2 Tbsp ground coffee, 2 Tbsp cocoa powder, 3 Tbsp yogurt, and 1 Tbsp honey. Mix together and apply a thin layer over the face. Allow to sit for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse.
Coffee For Your Body:
  • Cellulite Fighter: Coffee grounds can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Create a mixture of two parts coffee grounds with one part water, and add 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil. Dip a loofah or washcloth into the mix and massage on skin for boosted circulation, smoother skin and finer texture while in the shower.
  • Body Skin Scrub: Use 1/2 cup coffee grinds mixed with 1/4 cup brown sugar. Add olive or coconut oil and 1 tsp of ground cinnamon, then get to scrubbing. The caffeine in coffee helps to eliminate unwanted oils and will slough away dead skin.
Coffee For Your Hair:
Be warned, lighter shades of hair should refrain from coffee treatments because it does have the capability to stain. So brunettes and ravenettes only!
  • Rinse Mask: You can add cool black coffee (or espresso) to a spritz bottle, apply to hair and leave in for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly to give dark hair as silky shine. The caffeine can help increase circulation to the scalp and may help you shed hairs less (however, true hair loss cannot be cured with a shot of coffee). Spritzes of coffee also add dimension to your hair color. You may need to use a shower cap while the coffee does its magic on your locks to avoid staining the furniture or your clothes.
  • Scalp Scrub: In addition to shiny, smooth hair, coffee grounds can exfoliate and stimulate the scalp as well. It’s super simple – just take a quarter-sized amount of coffee grounds and mix into your conditioner. Gently scrub the scalp for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. (Tub stopper required!)
  • Boost Darker Hair Colors: You can soak your hair in leftover coffee for deep, glossy brown towns. Start small – soaking for only 15 minutes or so – and rinse thoroughly.
Coffee For Your Hands:
  • Hand Deodorizer: Do your hands smell like onions? Coffee can help get rid of it! Simply rub used coffee grounds on your hands, the same way you’d rub in soap. Then rinse thoroughly.