If today is upper body focus day at the gym for you, then chances are you’re going to be doing things like bicep curl ups and chest presses. But if you’re really serious about your upper body strength and appearance, you should consider trying a few other compound exercises. These are exercises that focus on more than one area of the body and will do wonders for your physic. All you need to pull this off is a weighted plate, heavy book, or something similar. Get started on one or all of these exercise moves today.

Reverse Lunge with Overhead Press: This exercise strengthens your shoulders and triceps as a result it’s one of the most powerful exercises. Add a lunge in there and you’ll work your lower body as well. Simply stand with your feet together and hold onto the weighted plate in front of your chest. Pull your shoulders down and back. Once ready, then lunge.

Squat Jump With a Plate Snatch: Tone your arms, your quads and your glutes, plus get your heart rate up with this exercise. Start off standing with your feet hip-distance apart and hold onto a weighted plate in front of your thighs. After that, jump forward as you snatch the plate overhead.

Single-Arm Fly Crunch: Kill two birds with one stone both the love handles and arms with this exercise. Start out by laying on your back and bend your knees in front of you. Make a “T” with your arms and hold onto a weighted plate with your right hand. After that, do a crunch.

READ MORE: 5 compound exercises for stronger arms and shoulders