Are you trying to pick up the pieces after infidelity in your relationship? When you first discover that the one you love has been unfaithful, it’s the ultimate feeling of betrayal. You’re left bamboozled, not sure whether to leave or try to work it out.

The Emotions

You’re going to feel a range of emotions and think a ton of thoughts. Normal emotions you might feel are – shame, loneliness, embarrassment, anger, and uncertainty (to mane a few).

Your Next Move

It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t need to have all the answers upfront. It’s a devastating time and you can move as fast or as slow as you want, as you figure out what you want your next move to be.

Get Back to Your Hobbies

Next, it’s important to realize that your partner is the one who takes sole responsibility for this, not you. You didn’t do anything to make them cheat. Also, be aware that this will likely mess with your self esteem. You may start to feel really low, but remind yourself how awesome you are. Go and explore hobbies, and interests that you may have put on the back burner while in your relationship.

Moving Forward in the Relationship

If you do decide to move forward with the relationship, you may have a hard time struggling with trust issues. That can be trust issues with your partner and/or with yourself. You are recommended to spend some time in a quiet space daily as you gather your thoughts, and remember who you are. Listen to your heart as you learn to trust yourself again (which is the ultimate goal).

Regardless if you try to move forward with the relationship, or decide to break it off, remember that when a person cheats, it has nothing to do with your own merits, or validity.

READ MORE: Everything You Need To Know About Surviving Infidelity