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Why You’re Fat: You’re Not Rich Enough

If you think you can't afford to eat better, think again.

Low Calorie Snacks

Get five filling, functional, healthy snacks that are low calorie too!

Why You’re Fat: You’re Addicted to Food

If you literally can't stop eating, help is in sight.

Why Eating ‘Everything in Moderation’ Is a Total Myth

You can chow down on those Cheetos as long as you log an extra 30 minutes on the treadmill, right? Um, no. Sorry to burst your caloric-counting bubble, but it’s not so simple.“Calories in...

Chia Coleslaw

Get a little vitamin K in this fun side dish.

Bake and Sear Tofu Recipe

High in vitamin K, this tofu dish will give your skin a healthy glow.

Roasted Wild King Salmon for Omega-3s Recipe

This omega-3-rich dish will keep wrinkles and acne at bay.

Shiitake, Lettuce & Tomato Sandwich Recipe

A sandwich that can protects your skin, hair and nails.

White Bean Dip

Rich in magnesium, this dip can boost energy and good cholesterol.

Vegan Macaroni and Cheese Recipe

This creative recipe can create energy and good cholesterol with help from magnesium.
