Well, you did it. You’ve gotten your children to adult hood. They’re no longer into toys and gadgets. Now, they have responsibilities to take care of. Instead of giving them more “stuff”, why not give them something that will enrich their lives in other ways.

No matter if they are 18 or 28, here are gifts that will make your adult child’s life easier, and brighter.


Roth IRA Account
They may not realize it yet, but planning for retirement is important. Help them prepare by gifting them a Roth IRA account.

Prepaid Babysitting
Not that you want to barge in with a prepaid babysitting service. Be aware that presenting a gift like this could make your daughter or son a little uncomfortable. Depending on their parenting style, they may not believe in babysitters. But, if it’s been a while since they’ve had a night to just chill, this gift will help provide relief.

If they use a baby sitter or daycare already, you can prepay a month for them. Or, you could also give cash, but add a “voucher” with it stating the purpose of it. You’re essentially creating your own babysitting service gift card.

House Cleaning Service
Do you have a hard working child who never has time to clean? Gift them housekeeping services. You can pay for a company to come in and clean their home once or twice a week. How long the service lasts is up to you. You decide how long is long enough for your pockets.

Car Payments
Help your son or daughter shrink their car debt by making one or two payments for them. If you can do more, that’s great! You could either take over the payment month to month. Or, just write a check for how much you intend to cover and knock it out!

READ MORE: 8 Gifts Your Grown Children Will Appreciate