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The Easiest Workout Plan Ever

Eighty percent of adults aren't meeting their physical activity requirements. Here's our cut-and-dry, day-by-day, hit-your-mark activity guide for better health and beauty.

The Sun and Acne: Does It Really Help?

Before you tan in the name of clear skin, read this.

Beauty File: Dr. Gross’s Glow-Boosting Vitamin D Fix

What it is: Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Daily Glow Moisture, $42What it does: Hydrates and plumps skin, fights aging, and creates glow so subtle, you'd never know it was laced with DHA (the ingredient...

Ask a Scientist: Is Makeup with SPF Enough Sun Protection?

The Scientist: Leslie Baumann, M.D., board-certified dermatologist and CEO of Baumann Cosmetic & Research Institute in Miami, FL. The Answer: If you wear makeup with an SPF rating, your instincts are good, but it’s not...

The 9 Best Perfumes You’ve Never Heard Of

Leilani Bishop Fragrance Oils, $62 each Inspired by Bishop’s childhood in Kauai and subsequent travels around the world as a model, these three, singular notes (Orange Blossom, Lilac and Pikake—or Hawaiian Jasmine) glide on with...

Find Your Signature Perfume

Stand out from the crowd with an indie, niche scent, and be prepared to be stopped on the street by people who simply must know what you're wearing. (It's up to you whether you tell them or not.)

27 Best New Sunscreens For 2013

As the weather gets milder and daydreams of the beach seem closer to reality than they did back in February, it’s time to start thinking about your most important summer companion: sunscreen. To make sure...

Unorthodox Beauty Treatments

Ingredients like bee venom and snail secretions push the beauty envelope. But is there science behind them?

DIY Beauty: Scrubs, Masks and Oils

Looking to add a new addition to your beauty and skincare arsenal? Instead of heading out to the store or ordering a new product online, try whipping up one of these luxurious beauty treats....

Hiding in Plain Sight: Sugar in “Healthy” Foods

Even when you think you're eating healthy, you could be swallowing the equivalent of a candy bar.
