From peonies to hydrangeas and roses, paying attention to stem size, wrapping, color, and arrangement can get overwhelming when putting together a bouquet. It can get tricky if you don’t know the nitty-gritty of putting together assorted flowers. So, we put together a handy guide for creating your own bouquet!

Plan Your Bouquet

Determining the color scheme of your bouquet and the placement can help you a lot when picking up the flowers. Lighting also matters when picking up the blooms. Rooms that have low light will make bold colored flowers standout, while brightly lit rooms will look good with subtly shaded flower bouquets.

Pruning Your Flowers

Once you have selected flowers for your bouquet, you need to determine which ones will look best and last the longest. To get started, pick up the slightly opening buds as they add a hint of color to your bouquet and also last longer.

Then, examine the stems of flowers. If they stand on your palm, it means that they are healthy and will not wilt easily.

The third step is to check the overall condition of your flowers. If the leaves are rich green and spot free, then you know your bouquet will have a better life expectancy.

Finally, you should cut the stems evenly. Pro tip: cutting the stem of flowers under running water will increase the life span of flowers.

Arrange your Flowers

Arrangement of flowers can make all the difference to your bouquet. Place the central flower in the middle and start building your bouquet around it. Add other blossoms around the centerpiece, and make sure to work your way from inside out as this would prevent your bouquet from looking tacky.

Add greens, fillers, and accent flowers to your bouquet, then wrap around a floral wire along the length of the flowers’ stems, so they do not slide out from ends.

Once the bouquet is ready, inspect it for any touches that might be required. Ensure that the height of your bouquet is balanced because adding accents towards the end can disrupt the harmony among flowers.

Your bouquet’s ready!

You can always choose seasonal flowers to make these bouquets budget-friendly. Spread smiles around as you share a bouquet of blossoming blooms.