It’s just a little pasta sauce, I’ll get it later. Oh, some toast crumbs — no big deal, I can brush them off later. Just a bit of olive oil; I’ll get that when I clean next week.

Sounds familiar? Cleaning your cooktop isn’t the most Pinterest-worthy cleaning adventure. Still, you don’t want to procrastinate on this one for too long, or you’ll be faced with some mega-grime. Luckily we’ve got some great tips on how to restore the gleam and shine to your cooktop. Begone, soup stains!

The Baking Soda Method
You can buy a ton of abrasive chemicals with weird names to do this job, or you can go a more natural route. Considering this is where you cook your food, natural sounds like a good deal to us. Though the natural course takes a bit longer, it’s still cheaper, and you don’t have to use and store heavy chemicals.

    • First, you need baking soda—sprinkle (aka, pour large heaps) onto the cooktop. Don’t skimp on the baking soda because you need to use quite a bit — this is what will absorb the stains.
    • Next, lay a damp towel over the baking soda. You should put a bit of dish soap on the wet towel also. Now, leave it alone and go watch that show you can’t stop binging on Netflix.
    • Come back in 15 minutes to half an hour; the longer you wait, the better. Now, simply use the towel and start cleaning up the baking soda. You’ll see that baking soda has now absorbed all the gross stuff from the cooktop. Voila, you’re done!

Baking Soda Plus Hydrogen Peroxide
If stubborn stains persist on your cooktop, try another round with a little added oomph. This time, add some hydrogen peroxide and get a scrub brush. You can also use a sponge if you’re concerned the harder brush might leave small scrapes. A soft brush will work fine, though.

You don’t have to use the towel this time; combine dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda. The baking soda will fizz when you include the hydrogen peroxide, and that’s okay. Now, start scrubbing. Can you see your reflection now? If not, you might be a vampire, and you have bigger problems to deal with than a dirty cooktop.

Other Ingredients
Course salt also works well at absorbing moisture and loosening up grime on your cooktop. You can also try distilled white vinegar for less intense stains; it’s useful for adding a shine to the cooktop, and it’s all-natural. Lemon juice is another all-natural way to clean glass. It works well on mirrors as well as your cooktop. As a bonus, your kitchen will smell like a lemon grove.