You’ve probably had someone before to be careful with how many people you sleep with, because the more sex you have, the “looser” your vagina will get. Well, next time someone tries to tell you that, put them in their place by saying how absolutely false that is! The more sex you have will not cause your vagina to get “looser” by any means.

The term “loose” when used to describe a vagina is incorrect in itself. Vaginas are very elastic, in how they expand for sex, tampons, and babies. So, the more sex you have is not going to have any impact on how “loose” your vagina is. Considering vaginas can expand to give birth to actual humans!

The vagina is made up of multiple muscles. These muscles are called the pelvic floor muscles and can tighten and relax. For example, when you’re aroused, your vagina is relaxed. When you’re not excited, your pelvic floor muscles tense up, making the vagina less accommodating. However, your pelvic floor muscles can get weakened- but sex is not one of the causes. Childbirth, menopause and gynecological cancer are few causes to weakened pelvic floor muscles. That’s where Kegel exercises come in to play.

What’s important is staying safe. If you feel like you might have pelvic floor muscle dysfunction from a legitimate reason, ask your OB/GYN for help. Otherwise, never let someone tell you that having “too much sex” is going to make your vagina “loose.” The amount of sex you choose to have is entirely up to you and your partner/s, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!