Home Morning Tea Page 127

Morning Tea

C-Sections are Dropping, Slightly

For the first time in a decade, the rate of cesarean section births declined.

Being Sleep Deprived Can Make You Hungry

Rest up to keep your waistline in check.

Five Surprising Allergy Triggers

Fall shouldn't make you sniffle and suffer. Drop the tissues and these habits that could be making your allergies worse.

C-Sections are Declining, Slightly

For the first time in a decade, the rate of cesarean section births dropped.

Vitamins Boost Brain Health in Seniors

Vitamins like B6 and B12 can increase brain health in elderly patients.

Is There a Link Between White Rice and Disease?

A new study shows a correlation between high white rice consumption and type 2 diabetes.

Disrupted Sleep Maybe Linked to Alzheimer’s

Those who awake during the night may be at risk for memory problems.

Heated Car Seats Can “Toast” Your Bottom!

While luxurious, those seat-warmers in the car can cause skin problems.

Oxytocin Levels Linked to Love Life

High levels of the cuddling hormone correlates to a longer relationship.

Which State is the Sleepiest?

Southern states count the most sheep at night.
