Morning Tea

Our Brains Show Our Love of the Good Life

Not sayin' she's a gold-digger...but her brain sure does light up around money.

Loud Noise is Linked to Higher Stress Levels

Shhh. Loud noise isn't just distracting, it's proven to be harmful to your health, too.

Nail Polish is Dangerous to Your Health

"Martini" green? Next time you get a mani, think more about the toxins you're applying.

Giving to Others Gives You a Brain Boost

Giving to others stimulates brain areas associated with rewards.

Brain Chemistry Determines How Emotional You Are

Your emotions react faster than your rational-thinking brain.

Personality Affects Your Likelihood of Divorce

It's not you, it's me... and my genes. The surprising link your DNA plays in your chances of getting a divorce.

Migraines Were a Good Thing in Prehistoric Times

In the Stone Age, migraines were actually a good thing. Their pain brought on a "sixth sense" that helped with survival.

Awareness of Exercise Brings More Health Benefits

You'll see more health benefits from exercise when you're thinking about it.

Opposites Attract in the Game of Love

You can smell your most strategic genetic mate.

Men Ask for Money More Often than Women

Your willingness to ask for money is more important than you think.
