Morning Tea

Dark Chocolate May Improve Your Complexion

Dark chocolate may improve your complexion.

Sun Damaged Skin? Eat Tomatoes!

Foods rich in lycopene help ward off sun damage.

Highly Acidic Foods Can Stain Your Teeth

Highly acidic foods can stain your teeth.

Volunteering Makes You Happier (And More Attractive!)

Doing good makes you happier (and more attractive!)

Better-Looking Partner? What it Really Means.

Think your partner is better-looking than you? You're in love!

Your BFF Should Thank You

They may sometimes drive you crazy, but your friends and families are actually keeping you sane.

Most Of Our Communication Isn’t Spoken

Ninety percent of our communication is non-verbal.

Playing Hard to Get Leads to Infatuation

Playing hard to get brings on infatuation (when there's love interest).

Sit-ups Do More Harm Than Good

The most popular core training exercise can cause severe spine injuries.

Our Ability to Take Risks Decreases as We Age

Science proves you don't take as many risks as you age. So good news-you're not boring.
