When it’s the middle of the day and hunger strikes, the only thing that can satisfy the craving is a good snack. Snacking is something we all do, and although some people say snacking is bad, if you’re hungry, you should eat! Even if it’s in-between meals! Snacking is great. You just want to make sure the snack is healthy. And that doesn’t have to mean a handful of nuts or plain veggies. Healthy snacks don’t have to be boring! Whether you’re craving something sweet or savory, give these delicious and nutritious snacks a try the next time hunger strikes:

Bliss balls
As they’re often called, bliss balls, or protein balls, are the perfect midday snack when you’re having a sweet tooth. This Kayla Itsines recipe includes various flavors, like peanut butter, chocolate raspberry, and spiced apricot.

Dates with nut butter
Another satisfying but healthy sweet treat is simple dates with nut butter. It’s so sweet and creamy, and all you have to do is cut open a date, remove the pit, and fill it with nut butter of your choice. And personally, I like to top it with a little bit of salt and some chocolate chips.

Cool ranch chickpeas
Craving Doritos but don’t want to eat something unhealthy? Easy, make these cool ranch chickpeas instead. All you need is a can of chickpeas, some olive oil, a ranch seasoning packet, and voila. You’ve got a high-protein Doritos alternative.

Black bean hummus
If you ask me, hummus is THE superior snack, but if you’re looking for something different from plain hummus, give black bean hummus a try. It’s packed with protein and flavor!

Parmesan squash chips
If you’re in the mood for chips but want some healthy, just bake some squash and cover it with parmesan! These parmesan squash chips are crispy, delicious, and completely guilt-free.

Cheesy kale chips
You would never even know that these cheesy kale chips are dairy-free! It’s made with tahini and nutritional yeast to give it that cheesy flavor, and the baked kale adds a perfect crunch.

Spiced nuts
Nuts are a classic healthy snack, but they can definitely get boring. But instead of reaching for a handful of plain nuts, make them more interesting with a bunch of spices! This spiced nuts recipe is sweet, salty, AND spicy and is seasoned with black pepper, cumin, cayenne, and sugar.

Bacon avocado fries
High in protein and healthy fats, these bacon avocado fries are *chef’s kiss*. While they might not be actual fries, they still satisfy the craving and are absolutely delicious. And plus, everything’s better wrapped in bacon.