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Breakfast Tips to Lose Weight

Want to avoid the mid-afternoon munchies? Start your morning with these breakfast ideas to lose weight and help stave off hunger for the rest of the day.

Gluten-Free Makeup

No longer a foreign term in beauty, gluten-free makeup options have flourished in recent seasons. Here’s the pick of the crop. Physicians Formula LED lights flip...

Best Body Makeup

If you’ve got body blemishes that have you feeling self-conscious or tattoos you’d rather not share with the world, these top body makeup picks...

Healthy Hair Treatments

Whether you want super sleek strands, pretty playful waves or ultrarich color, the latest, healthier treatments help you make peace with your style without...

Succotash Salad Recipe

This vegan salad has all the perks of hot succotash but is cool for warm weather.

Faking Perfect Skin with Makeup

Hide slight imperfections and fake flawless skin in a few strokes of a makeup brush.

The Claim Game

Confused by claims on the labels of your beauty products? Here's what they really mean

How Lucky Will You Be With Aging?

Ever wished you could look into a crystal ball to see what you'll look like in 10 or 20 years? These seven features may indicate just how gracefully you might age.

The Science Behind Your Curls

Why some curlies shouldn't cut their hair.

Seven Habits of Women with Great Skin

Think women with naturally beautiful skin are just lucky? Probably not!