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Leptin Regulates Hunger and Metabolism, To a Point

Leptin regulates hunger and metabolism, to a point.

How Hunger Works

Understanding the hormones-leptin and ghrelin-that turn your hunger switch on and off.

Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizen: “Sugar Is a Drug”

The brain responds to sugar the way it does to cocaine. Are you on the road to addiction?

6 Ways to Eat Like a Thin Person at a Buffet

It can be hard not to fulfill the promise of "all you can eat" buffets. Here's how to smartly navigate those tempting situations-and save your waistline.

No More Nocturnal Munching

When we eat may affect our weight.

A Surprising Cause of Obesity

A key player in the obesity epidemic may be found in your gut.

Are Your Taste Buds Primed to Detect Fat?

Move over salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami. New research shows that your taste buds identify fat as its own unique taste.

Trick Yourself Into Eating Less

New research shows that your bowl size and color matter.

Have Yourself a Merry Little “Pretox”

Heading for a total eclipse of the diet this season? Here's how to prevent the damage ahead of time so you can enjoy the holidays without feeling so damn guilty.

Meet the Mind: Brian Wansink

Wansink shares his research on why you eat what you eat-and offers tips for staying healthy this holiday season.