Bring the beet in! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

Beets and beetroot powder are yet another set of natural ingredients that are wonderful for your insides and can do amazing things to your outsides. A few quick notes before we jump in on all the ways to use beets as a beauty product, however. If you use beetroot powder, break up any and all clumps beacuse it has a tendency to lump up. Beets will turn everything you make with it a bit of a brownish hue. Also, beets and beetroot powder can stain, obviously, so wash off your fingers. If a stain gets on fabric, I read a quick trick to rub a freshly sliced raw pear on the stain before throwing it in the wash. Good luck!

Beets For Your Face:

  • Lip Scrub: Got dry, parched lips? Try a beet sugar scrub — you’ll need two small- to medium-sized beets, five Tbsp. of white sugar, 1 tsp. brown sugar, 1 Tbsp. of coconut oil and 1/2 tsp. honey.  We followed these instructions for beautiful, smooth lips (and leftovers can be used for lip gloss!).
  • Lip Balm and Blush: You can create a pretty pink lip balm and all-natural blush with a little beetroot powder. To start, you’ll need 1 tsp almond oil, 1 tsp beetroot powder and 1 tsp shea butter. Then get to cooking: fill a saucepan with 1 cup of water and place a glass measuring cup in the pan, empty. Turn on the stovetop to low heat (you want the glass to warm up slowly so as to not break). Add the shea butter and almond oil to the cup and let it melt; once melted, you can add the beetroot powder and stir.  Mix thoroughly and then strain through cheesecloth or muslin to get rid of the grittier pieces of the mixture. Now you’re free to add to a little jar and voila! Lip gloss and blush, all in one!
  • Acne Fighting Face Mask: Beets do serious combat on acne and pigmentation issues (supposedly due to the high iron, vitamins and mineral content) as well giving your skin major radiance. Simply mix fresh grated beets with about 1/4 cup’s worth of sour cream and apply as a mask. Allow to dry, then rinse thoroughly with cool water.
  • Facial Toner: Chop one beet and ½ cup of cabbage, then combine with ¼ cup of water in a blender. Mix well until it’s liquefied and you can apply with a cotton ball, or freeze in an ice cube tray for an anti-puffy treatment (you’ll have to rub the ice cube right on the skin).

READ MORE: 16 Ways to Use Honey as a Beauty Product

Beets For Your Hair

  • Natural Hair Dye: Add a little boost of color with beets! You can mix pure beet (beetroot) juice with henna powder to add a reddish chestnut hue to hair. For highlights, simply douse hair in the juice directly and wait about an hour (yes, an hour). Rinse completely.

READ MORE: 9 Ways to Use Yogurt as a Beauty Product

Beets For Your Body

  • Beet-Carrot Juice: For a healthy complexion, of course always drink plenty. But also drinking beet juice has been known to nourish and help repair skin cells. Mixed with carrot juice, an 8 oz. glass a day will help boost your immunity and in turn give your skin a healthy glow.
  • Body Toner: Beets  help firm skin where you may find slackening or textural issues. Grate three medium-sized beets, add three Tbsp. of raw honey and 1 tsp. ground black pepper, and mix thoroughly. Standing on a surface that you can clean easily, apply this mixture to areas you wish to define and then wrap the area with cellophane. Leave the beet/cellophane concoction on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. Repeat this once a week for smoother, tightened skin.
  • Aphrosidiac: Did you know that beets are an aphrodisiac? [Editor’s Note: We didn’t, actually!] Supposedly drinking beet juice daily will make you irresistible to the masses. There’s no harm to it since beet juice is so healthy. So, bottoms up!