After finally establishing a gym routine, my local gym closed its doors to keep us safe during the CoronaVirus pandemic. Working out had become such a significant part of me taking care of my mental health, and I was proud of the physical progress I made. I started to transition into at-home workouts, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. If you’re having trouble making the switch or getting started, try these tips to get into the swing of things.

Establish a Routine Again: Set aside time to work out so you can get back into the habit. Setting your alarm early to allow yourself to get in a few sets before work is one option. Find when it works best in your schedule and stick with it.

Create a Work Out Space: It can be challenging to find room to work out but do your best to find a spot that you can designate as your work out area. Whenever you enter this area, your body and mind know that it’s time to put in work.

Find a Workout You Enjoy: Trying the first workout that pops up on YouTube isn’t going to cut it for most of us. Check out different applications, videos, and other resources until you find the type of workout that works best for you. Don’t give up! Additionally, look into programs rather than a single workout. It will give you your next few routines and create consistency.

Invest in Equipment: Bodyweight workouts are tougher than you’d think. You can’t replace entire workout machines, but incorporating things like dumbbells and resistance bands can elevate your workout. Resistance bands are great because they are light and easy to take to the park for an outdoor workout. A mat is a great way to protect your knees and back while also creating a space for working out.

Find a Workout Buddy: Find a person who has similar goals and hold each other accountable in a supportive manner. Make sure you’re on the same page first before creating a calendar or group text to check in on each other.

Treat Yourself to Exercise Gear: Wearing clothing made for working out feels great and can help get you in the zone to work out. Pick out something that is not only comfortable but also makes you feel good about yourself so that way you want to wear it more and more.