With the beginning of spring comes a beautiful new atmosphere—the warmer weather allows us to enjoy more outdoor events again, and the sense of renewal that’s associated with spring adds a romantic charm to life. If you’re hoping to harness some of that romantic charm in service of planning some spring activities that could make the perfect date, we’ve got some awesome date ideas to get you started.
  1. Picnic: What list of spring activities for a date would be complete without including a picnic? Not so fast, though—take the predictability out of this spring activity by including a personal twist. Try adding some fun parts you know you’ll both like, such as sketching or reading with each other.
  2. Spring Forward: In the spirit of spring, one date idea might be thinking about your future with your partner and planning the year. What trips do you hope to take together; what goals do you both respectively want to achieve; where do you see yourselves at by the end of the year? Embody the feeling of spring and start fresh this year with your eyes on the future.
  3. Farmer’s Markets: Spring is the time of abundance and freshly sprouting nature. If you’re searching for date ideas that embody the ethos of spring, consider planning a trip to a farmer’s market to enjoy the abundance of food that spring brings us. You can also plan to go strawberry picking at some farmer’s markets, which is probably the peak of spring activities.
  4. Hiking: There’s no better way to experience spring than to get out in nature. Hiking dates are great because you get to share an experience with your partner in a beautiful setting—what’s not to love? If you’re seeking date ideas and spring activities, hiking in a beautiful setting where you can see the fresh growth of nature around you is a romantic (and healthy) choice.
Spring is a beautiful season full of flowers and fresh starts. Spring activities have a natural romance to them that makes date ideas seem to spring forward like flowers.