Between her 40 foundation shade range to her plus-size-inclusive lingerie line, Rihanna wants every person to feel welcome and comfortable in everything she makes. Long gone are the days of limited foundation shades and generic sizing, Rihanna is here, and she did not come to play.

Rihanna is now taking the game even further and is giving us diverse mannequins. Is there anything this woman can’t do? Rihanna 6 just recently premiered her new clothing line called 6-19 at a Fenty pop-up shop in NYC. Instead of choosing the typical mannequins, whose bodies are generally unrealistic, Rihanna decided to go above and beyond and use mannequins who encapsulate what women actually look like. The mannequins ranged from full figure to curvy, and everyone looked fabulous sporting Rihanna’s new fashion line.

Rihanna breaks boundaries and makes waves with just about everything she does. Rihanna told E! News how “We have our fit models, which is the standard size from factories, you just get your samples made in one size. But then, I want to see it on my body. I want to see it on a curvy girl with thighs and a little bit of booty and hips.”

Other brands are trying to be more inclusive with their mannequin choices as well. Nike recently displayed plus-size models at a London store. With major brands like Fenty and Nike starting to broaden their mannequin horizons, hopefully, other brands will begin to follow suit.

“It’s all of these things I take into consideration,” Rihanna said during her pop-up. “I want women to feel confident in my stuff.”