Are you a celebrity or very wealthy? If not, chances are hiring a personal trainer is probably not an option. Their expertise and motivation come with a reasonably hefty price tag. So what’s a girl to do if paying $50 an hour isn’t realistic?

Lucky for you, more celebrity trainers and companies are coming out with fantastic workout apps for all kinds of budgets. They not only come up with a plan for you, but may also track your calories, plan your schedule, and personalize as you go.

Most apps let you choose what kind of equipment you have available so you can tailor to a gym or an at-home workout.

These are the top apps we’ve found to motivate and get the results this summer to change your fitness and your weight!

1. Sweat App
Bet you’ve heard of BBG (Bikini Body Guide) by now. If you haven’t yet, you’re welcome. Kayla Itsines, the tiny workout maven behind the app, first released her workouts just as a BBG app. Before long, other trainers like Sjana Elise for yoga and Kelsey Wells with weight, joined the app to provide plenty of variety and challenges. The app offers meal plans, scheduling, a forum, and a water tracker. Most importantly, it offers incredible results!

2. 500 Bodyweight Challenge
First of all, this app is free, so we’re already on the right path. Second, this allows you to set goals and challenge yourself in bursts. It forces you to stick to a workout routine and see if you can beat your record. A huge plus is that it’s utterly equipment-free so you can do it anywhere!

3. Nike Training Club
This app has a ton packed in! As a fitness company, Nike excels at putting out some intense fitness routines from their trainers and athletes. With a variety of choices, the app is robust and allows anyone to start a training program anytime and anywhere. Best of all, it’s all completely free!

4. 7-Minute Workout
There are a few apps under this genre which promises results from doing a 7-minute workout every day. Consistency is key. Check out the Fast Builder Limited app. The exercises are based on a seven-minute workout plan developed by the American College of Sports Medicine.