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What’s The #75Hard Challenge?

If you're on the health and fitness side of TikTok, you've probably heard of the #75Hard challenge. I know I've seen tons of videos of people talking about how mentally and physically demanding it...

Upper Back Hurting From All The Sitting? Give It Some Relief With These Stretches

It’s no surprise that sitting at a desk all day takes a toll on your body. We’ve all had that moment where our backs cramp up and have the overwhelming urge to book a...

These Exercises Boost Your Metabolism

There are many different benefits to exercise. Not only can it help you burn fat, but it also improves heart health, releases endorphins, and can relieve stress. However, if you’re specifically wanting to lose...

Is Taking a Pre-Workout Really Necessary?

If you've ever watched a fitness YouTube video, worked out with someone who's really into fitness, or just walked into a GNC before, you've probably heard of pre-workout. I always see people talking about...

The Best and Safest Masks to Work Out In

Gyms are slowly opening back up across the country, but they're definitely not going to be what they used to be. Gyms and social distancing don't necessarily go hand in hand, and many adjustments...

Breathing Techniques That Tone Your Core

When you think about exercise, you think about running, weights, push-ups, and ab workouts. Everyone's dream is to be in great shape and have abs, but getting there isn't easy. Toning your core takes...

How to Squeeze a Workout into Your Work Day

Let's face it: we're all busy, even if we're working from home. We work long days, sometimes even into the night, and by the time work is over, we're exhausted, starving, and ready for...

Feeling Sore Post-Workout? Here’s What You Should Do

You ever have an intense workout, feel amazing afterward, but then wake up the next day and can't move? Yeah, we've all been there. Feeling sore post-workout is the absolute worst. Not only does...

These Two Stretches Will Reliever Pregnancy Pains

When you're pregnant, maintaining a fitness regime can be challenging, and you obviously need to adapt to suit your new physique and listen to your body and its limits. Stretching during pregnancy has many...

How to Properly Check Your Breasts

We’re all aware of the dangers of breast cancer. Although 9 out of 10 lumps found are non-cancerous, it’s incredibly important that you regularly check your breasts and always go to your doctors if...
