We all know secondhand smoke is terrible for our lungs. New research has found inhaling someone else’s cigarette smoke is terrible for your waistline, too.A new study from Brigham Young University finally put the kibosh on the whole “cigarettes keep you slim” myth: they found exposure to cigarette smoke actually causes weight gain, with secondhand smoke being the most criminal. And if you’re around smokers all the time (for example, your beau smokes or most of your friends do), the odds of it messing with your metabolism are massive, study co-author Benjamin Bikman, professor of physiology and developmental biology at Brigham Young University said in a statement.In the experiment, one group of mice were exposed to a daily quota of secondhand smoke, while another group was left smoke-free. After tracking changes in their metabolism, researchers found the exposed mice piled on the pounds, thanks to cellular changes that led to insulin resistance. “Once someone becomes insulin-resistant, their body needs more insulin,” study co-author Paul Reynolds said in a statement. “And any time you have insulin go up, you have fat being made in the body.”Since it’s not easy to gauge how much secondhand smoke you’d have to hoover before the extra poundage kicks in, the obvious solution is to steer clear of those nasty puffs altogether. While Bikman and his team are racing to create a secondhand smoke repellant for those of us who are exposed unwillingly, there are plenty of easy lifestyle changes you can make in the meantime without feeling like a total buzzkill.If you live with a smoker or have your smoker friends over for cocktails, ask them to smoke outside — air purifiers can only do so much. (There’s also the ick factor of everything you own being saturated in nicotine.) If you’re driving with a smoker, roll down the windows while they light up. Steer clear of the smokers’ huddle during breaks at work (and when you are subjected, make sure to stay downwind), and frequent bars and restaurants that have a no-smoking policy.As for the smokers in your life, hopefully this study will give them even more motivation to quit — but ultimately, it’s a decision they have to make on their own. It took me 2,537 failed attempts before the quitting thing finally stuck, and it was all thanks to support from my non-judgey, non-smoker friends.Related Articles:Dr. Oz on How to Quick SmokingEven This Cigarete Company Banned Smoking