Salad may sound like your quintessential “diet food,” but even the healthiest salad can be undone by the wrong dressing choice. I’m sure we don’t need to tell you that blue cheese or ranch dressings are not-so-good-for-you. Still, there’s no need to gnaw on dry lettuce leaves. Here are a few ways to keep it real with healthy salad dressing options you’ll love:

1. Skip Bottled Salad Dressing.

Sugar, salt, preservatives…need we continue? Making your own salad dressing takes just a few minutes. You can shake up a batch and store it in the fridge in an airtight container for a few days so you can enjoy a pop of flavor without all that icky extra stuff you don’t need.

2. Keep Your Dressing Simple.

At a salad bar, ask for olive oil and vinegar or olive oil and lemon juice. At home you can shake up a teaspoon of each with a dash of salt. For a little something extra, whisk in a teaspoon of Dijon mustard. A few other ideas: olive oil and honey, or swap in a teaspoon of your favorite fruit preserves for the mustard. You can also experiment with fresh herbs.  [Click on to read more …]