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The Crucial Vitamins and Minerals You Might be Lacking

In America today, half of us will suffer from a chronic disease, and a third of adults are obese. The American diet is doing us no favors. The problem isn’t the availability of food...

4 Amazing Superfoods For A Healthier Lifestyle

Busy schedules, numerous responsibilities, and no real free time don't make it easy to eat healthier. However, what if a healthier lifestyle was as easy as incorporating a few healthy superfoods into your diet?...

Easy-Bake Healthy Cookie Recipes You Need To Try

Calling all cookie lovers! Who says your favorite sweet treat has to be packed with sugar and calories? Enjoy cookies without feeling like you've had a sugar rush by trying one of our healthy,...

Is Chocolate Really Good For You?

We want to believe. Everyone wants to believe chocolate is good for them. Whether we cite that it’s “natural” or has some other obscure health property possibly linked to it. Yet, sometimes what we...

The Best Bedtime Snacks To Curb That Late Night Craving

Bedtime snacks are both the best and the worst thing. The right bedtime snack can hit different and be just want you needed to put you to sleep, but the wrong bedtime snack can...

Eat These Foods to Improve Your Gut Health

Having good gut health is incredibly important. Your gut health is linked to your immune system, mood, mental health, skin conditions, etc. And so when your gut health is lacking, all of those will...

Should You Add Aloe Vera Juice to Your Diet?

Aloe vera is used for skincare and is a common ingredient to skincare products. Most people are familiar with aloe in that form. You may even tend your own aloe plant at home just...

A Guide to Which Tea Should You Try Next

There is a world of tea connoisseurs out there. They are a quiet bunch and not as hyped up on caffeine as coffee-enthusiasts, but they know their tea. While you don’t have to become a...

4 Best Portable Blenders to Have your Smoothie Anywhere

PopBabies Personal Blender Like many portable blenders, you charge this one with a USB. The updated model allows you to charge it while you’re blending, making it more convenient to use at home and out...

These Bedtime Snacks Provide Better Sleep

You’ve probably heard that eating just before bed isn’t the healthiest choice. Maybe you’ve heard that story about Oprah locking herself out of her kitchen by 8 PM. We’re not saying you need to...
