With “exercise more” at the top of many a New Year’s resolution list, it’s time to start preparing a plan of attack for the upcoming year. With cold weather and holiday treats working against us, it’s hard to find the right motivation.Here’s one easy way to jumpstart a fitness routine, though:  ReinventYOU from ChaiseFitness. Launching January 5th, it’s virtual workout series made of four 15-minute workout segments; ReinventARMS&ABS, ReinventCARDIO, ReinventLEGS&BUTT, and ReinventCHAIR.Each short video is perfect if you’re tight on time and would like to target a specific area. Using signature moves, and very little equipment, these routines can be done in your own home. Use each video separately, or all together for an all over fit session. It’s a complete and intense workout that you can stream online wherever you are. Based off of the ChaiseFitness Reinvention Method workouts in three Manhattan studios, this slimming workout will put you back on track for the new year.  Plus, the videos are available for free through the end of February across the country. Talk about no more excuses! Here’s a preview of the ARMS&ABS video: And the LEGS&BUTT video:Related Articles:8 Strength Training Exercises Every Woman Can Do The Single Best Exercise for Tones Biceps8 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat