We all want to get a good workout in … but if you’re like me, it’s really hard to get motivated when there’s a new episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” beckoning from the television. If hauling yourself to the gym is not the answer, try this at-home fitness motivation: the “virtual trainers” on Radius.

Radius is like a personal trainer you can carry around with you where ever you go — a multi-platform digital video fitness service that keeps an elite group of real trainers at your fingertips. The app can be viewed from your mobile device, tablet or web browser  at RadiusFitness.com, so you can workout in your home, in a hotel room while traveling, or even at a friend’s house.

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All the workouts are viewable on-demand, and can be accessed anywhere-anytime, making it the most convenient workout ever.  The workout videos are constantly changing (five new workout programs are being introduced this summer!), and there are exercises for every fitness level. Members get access to a long list of workouts that vary depending on desired time limit, skill level, and personal goals. There are super-short workouts for the busy gal, sport-specific workouts (ex. workouts to optimize marathon training) for the athletic girl, or body-targeting workouts for a girl who simply wants a booty boost and killer abs.

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Personal trainers are known to definitely deliver results since they create workouts customizable for your fitness level, while also giving you the push you need to really start seeing improvement. So, if you’re not too keen on dishing out the extra moolah for a personal trainer, at $9.99 a month (or $89.99 for a year) Radius is a more cost-effective and accessible option.

Not totally sold? Try it out for the first month free to see if it meets all your fitness needs. Now there are no more excuses for skipping a workout (which is bittersweet news,  if you ask me!).

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