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No, Having a Lot of Sex Doesn’t Make Your Vagina Loose

You've probably had someone before to be careful with how many people you sleep with, because the more sex you have, the "looser" your vagina will get. Well, next time someone tries to tell...

Rejecting Someone Can Be Tough, But It’s Necessary

Rejecting someone can be just as hard as getting rejected. Sometimes the timing isn't right, and sometimes you really don't like or see a future with the person. Either way, rejection is harsh. But...

Can You Have Sex With A UTI?

If you've ever had a UTI, you know how utterly painful it can be. Not only are you in complete pain, but you're running to the bathroom every 5 seconds. UTIs are common, and...

How Often Can You Take The Morning After Pill?

We've all heard at some point or another that if you take the morning after pill too many times, you'll become infertile. A lot of people, especially those who don't use any other form...

How To Tell If You Should Kiss On A First Date

Picture this: You're on a first date with someone, and the night is soon heading to a close. All those initial first date jitters have simmered down a bit, and you're finally starting to...

How You Can Balance Working And Having A Relationship

There's no denying that balancing work and a social life can be tough. Work tends to take over your life, especially if you don't set boundaries, and if you let your work life seep...

Dos and Don’ts Of Having Sex In A Shared Apartment

Roommates and sex are two things that don't go hand in hand. When you're living in a small apartment and are living next door to, or worse- in the same room as, your roommate,...

The Key To Being A Good Friend

Navigating friendships can be tough. It's easy to lose touch with people as you grow older. When you're in college, you all live in the same area and can be there for one another...

Unsure Of What A Kiss Meant? We’re Breaking It Down

Kissing: it's something we've been doing forever and will continue to do forever. You might have had your first kiss when you were a kid, and the light peck on the lips meant nothing...

How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

Long-distance relationships are anything but easy. Whether you're a few hours drive apart or a plane ride- being apart from your significant other for long periods is tough. We all know the saying, distance...
