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10 Ingredients You Should Put Into Your Salad To Keep You Fuller, Longer

If you've ever opted for a healthy lunch salad, and we're hoping you have before, you might find yourself ravenous by dinner depending on what you put in it. Many take-out restaurants and fast-food...

4 Spectacular Superfood Smoothies

Summer and smoothies go hand in hand. Nothing is better than sitting outside, getting a tan in the hot sun, and holding a sweet fruit smoothie. Not only are smoothies delicious, but they also...

5 Quick And Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important part of the day. So many people are too prone to skipping breakfast and forget how eating a good breakfast starts your day on the right foot! Eating breakfast...

5 Healthy Drink Brands You Need To Know

Health drinks are one of the biggest trends in 2019. This year has been all about eating healthy, working out, and... celery juice? Between green juice and kombucha, countless brands cater to every and...

Feeling Bloated? Food Combining Might Help

There's the vegan diet, paleo, keto, raw foods- to name a few. There are countless diets out there, one for every body type, weight goal, and health journey. Every diet works differently for different...

Go Meat-Free with These Plant-Based Proteins

If you've decided to become vegan, one of the biggest struggles you might face in getting enough protein in your diet. Since you no longer eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy- all of which...

7 Ways You Can Bring Your Avocado Toast To A New Level

Avocado toast has been and will keep being, the best breakfast out there. It's filling, healthy, and delicious. You can find avocado toast on just about every restaurant menu as its popularity has not...

Banana Nice Cream Is The Healthy Late Night Dessert We’ve Always Dreamed Of

If you claim you don't have a sweet tooth at the end of the day, you're probably lying. Having a sweet tooth is terrific and horrible all at the same time. You know you...

Want To Get Abs? Eat More Complex Carbs

We've all heard the phrase: abs are made in the kitchen. That means that to achieve those six-pack abs you've always dreamed of, you need to do more than just workout every day. It's...

5 Coffee Alternatives If Coffee Just Isn’t Your Thing

For many people, the morning is not complete without a cup of coffee. Not only does caffeine in coffee wake you up, but it also sets the mood for the day and gets you...
